experiencing a state of extreme excitement, energy, or activity, often characterized by uncontrollable or frenzied behavior
Sarah 's dog was in a manic state, running around the backyard at top speed.
During the concert, the crowd became manic, dancing and cheering wildly as their favorite band performed.
During the holiday season, the shopping malls are often filled with manic shoppers rushing to buy gifts.
Sarah's dog was in a manic state, running around the backyard at top speed.
During the concert, the crowd became manic, dancing and cheering wildly as their favorite band performed.
During the holiday season, the shopping malls are often filled with manic shoppers rushing to buy gifts.
After winning the lottery, Mary felt a manic surge of adrenaline, planning extravagant purchases and vacations.
After drinking too much coffee, Tim became manic, talking rapidly and pacing around the room.
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