(baseball) a position in the outfield responsible for covering the area between center field and the left foul line
What is "left field"?
Left field is a position in baseball or softball located in the outfield, to the left of the field when facing the batter. The player in this spot is responsible for catching balls hit to the left side of the field. They need to be quick and have a strong arm to throw the ball to other players, such as the shortstop or third baseman, in order to get runners out. Left fielders also help stop hits from reaching the boundary line for extra points.
the area of the baseball outfield positioned to the left of the second baseman when facing the outfield from home plate
What is "left field"?
Left field is the area on the left side of the baseball or softball field, from the perspective of the player standing at home plate. It is located between center field and the edge of the field. The left fielder is the player who covers this area, watching for balls hit to the left side. This player needs to be quick and skilled at catching the ball, as well as throwing it back to the infield if it is hit far.
an opinion that is uncommon, unpopular, or strange