Saving throw
a roll of dice in tabletop role-playing games, like Dungeons & Dragons, made by a player character to resist or mitigate the effects of certain hazards, spells, or other adverse situations
What is a "saving throw"?
A saving throw is a type of roll in role-playing games (RPGs) used to determine if a character can resist or avoid harmful effects, such as magic spells, poison, or traps. The player rolls a die, often a 20-sided die, and compares the result to a target number determined by the game’s rules or the difficulty of the effect. If the result meets or exceeds the target number, the character succeeds in avoiding or reducing the effect. Saving throws are important for managing risks and protecting characters from dangerous situations.
He failed his saving throw against the trap, which meant his character took the full damage.
When the dragon ’s breath hit the party, each character had to make a saving throw to avoid taking full damage.
Jane rolled a saving throw to see if her character could resist the poison, and thankfully, she succeeded.