Tìm kiếm
thuốc tránh thai, biện pháp tránh thai
any device, drug, or method that is used to prevent pregnancy
What is a "contraceptive"?
A contraceptive is a method, drug, or device used to prevent pregnancy. It works by either blocking sperm from fertilizing an egg or by preventing fertilized eggs from attaching to the uterus. Contraceptives include various forms such as birth control pills, condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), hormonal implants, and contraceptive injections. These methods are chosen based on individual preferences, health considerations, and effectiveness in preventing unintended pregnancies.
tránh thai, ngừa thai
(of methods, devices, or medications) capable of preventing conception or pregnancy
Contraceptive methods include condoms, birth control pills, and intrauterine devices ( IUDs ).
The healthcare provider discussed various contraceptive options with the patient.
Contraceptive choices depend on individual preferences and health considerations.

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