Tìm kiếm
dãy núi, dãy đồi
a series of hills or mountains
chuỗi, dây chuyền
a set of connected or related things that affect or depend on each other
dây chuyền, xích cổ
a stylish necklace made of linked metal rings that is worn around the neck as jewelry
A friend admired her chain and asked where she bought it.
He gifted her a beautiful gold chain for their anniversary.
She lost her chain during the trip and was upset about it.
chuỗi, chuỗi phân tử
(chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)
xích, dây xích
anything that acts as a restraint
chuỗi cửa hàng, chuỗi bán lẻ
a group of retail stores that have the same name and sell similar products or services, all owned and run by the same company
The coffee chain opened several new locations across the city.
She works for a popular clothing chain that has stores nationwide.
The restaurant chain is known for its fast service and affordable prices.
chuỗi, dây chuyền
a necklace made by stringing objects together
chuỗi, dây chuyền
a linked or connected series of objects
dây chuyền, chuỗi đo
a unit of length
chuỗi giao dịch, chuỗi nhà
a situation in which a house or apartment cannot be sold as the buyer must sell their house first to be able to buy the property of the seller
to chain
xích, buộc bằng xích
to secure or attach something or someone using a series of connected links
Transitive: to chain sb/sth | to chain sb/sth to an immobile support
The gatekeeper will chain the entrance to restrict access to the private property.
To secure the boat, the captain will chain it to the dock.
The prisoner will be chained to prevent any attempt to escape.
liên kết, kết nối
to connect or link multiple items together to form a continuous line or series
Transitive: to chain multiple items
The workers chained the sections of fence to enclose the entire perimeter of the construction site.
She chained the wooden logs to create a sturdy barrier around the garden to keep out animals.
The climbers chained their safety ropes to navigate the treacherous mountain terrain together.

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