Tìm kiếm
K-turn, hành động K
a driving maneuver where a vehicle makes a U-turn by first reversing in a straight line
The driver executed a flawless K-turn on the narrow street, avoiding the parked cars.
She practiced K-turns in an empty parking lot until she felt confident enough to do them on busy streets.
If you miss your turn, you might need to perform a K-turn to go back the other way safely.
Ví dụ
The driver executed a flawless K-turn on the narrow street, avoiding the parked cars.
She practiced K-turns in an empty parking lot until she felt confident enough to do them on busy streets.
If you miss your turn, you might need to perform a K-turn to go back the other way safely.
During my driving test, I had to perform a K-turn to demonstrate my ability to maneuver in tight spaces.
Learning how to do a K-turn is essential for passing the driving exam in many countries.