to bring around
[phrase form: bring]
переконати, убедити
to persuade someone to agree with one's point of view
Initially opposed to the idea, he managed to bring his friends around through patient discussion.
He was hesitant about the project, but Sarah was able to bring him around.
The overwhelming support brought the community around to the initiative.
прийти до тями, прокинутися
to help someone to become conscious again
The gentle application of cold compresses can help bring around someone who has fainted.
Training in CPR can be invaluable in bringing around individuals in distress.
The use of a defibrillator played a vital role in bringing around the heart attack victim.
привезти, принести
to bring someone or something to a specific place, often to someone's home
Bring the kids around for a playdate at our place.
He brought around his new puppy to show everyone.
Can you bring the documents around to my office later?

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