What is a "microwave"?
A microwave is a kitchen appliance that heats and cooks food by using microwave radiation to agitate water molecules within the food. This agitation generates heat, quickly and efficiently cooking or reheating dishes. Microwaves are known for their convenience and speed, allowing for rapid cooking without the need for preheating, making them popular for busy households. They come in various sizes and styles, including countertop models and built-in units, offering a range of features such as different power levels, cooking presets, and defrosting options. While primarily used for heating leftovers or cooking ready-made meals, microwaves can also be used for steaming vegetables, popping popcorn, and even baking certain dishes.
мікрохвиля, мікроволновий сигнал
мікрохвилювати, підігріти в мікрохвильовій пічці