to mark down
[phrase form: mark]
indirim yapmak, fiyat kırmak
to lower the price of something, often temporarily
The store marked down the price of the jeans by 50 %.
The car dealership is marking down all their used cars to make room for new inventory.
The restaurant is marking their appetizers down during happy hour.
not almak, kaydetmek
to record or note something for future reference or action
The teacher marked down the important points from the lecture for the students to review.
The building is marked down for demolition in next year ’s budget.
I ’ve marked the date of our meeting down in my calendar.
notunu düşürmek, puanını kırmak
to lower a score or assessment given to someone in an exam, etc. due to errors or shortcomings
The teacher marked down his essay for poor grammar.
The student 's score was marked down for not answering all of the questions.
The project was marked down for not meeting the required criteria.

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