to give out
[phrase form: give]
dela ut, distribuera
to distribute something among a group of individuals
Transitive: to give out sth to sb
The coach gives out uniforms to the sports team before the big game.
The teacher will give out textbooks to the students at the beginning of the school year.
The charity organization plans to give out food to the needy during the holiday season.
sluta fungera, gå sönder
to stop working or functioning
The old car finally gave out after years of constant use.
The flashlight gave out because its batteries were drained.
The tired hiker 's legs gave out, and he could n't continue the hike.
avge, utsläppa
to release or discharge light, heat, vapor, or other forms of energy or substances
Transitive: to give out energy or substances
The electric lamp gives out a steady beam of light in the darkness.
The flower garden gives out a sweet fragrance in the spring.
The volcano gave out clouds of ash and smoke during its eruption.
ta slut, saknas
to run out or not have enough for a specific need or demand
The patience of the audience gave out after hours of waiting for the delayed performance.
The food supplies gave out before the end of the winter, leaving them without provisions.
His luck eventually gave out, and he faced a series of unfortunate events.
tillkännage, sprida
to make an announcement or convey information to a group of people, often with the intention of publicizing or disseminating the information more widely
Transitive: to give out information
The school principal gave out the news of the upcoming talent show during the morning assembly.
The government agency gave out a statement regarding the new regulations.
The company will give out a press release to announce its new product launch.
The coach gives out uniforms to the sports team before the big game.
The teacher will give out textbooks to the students at the beginning of the school year.
The charity organization plans to give out food to the needy during the holiday season.

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