British pronunciation/bˈæt/
American pronunciation/ˈbæt/

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a small flying creature that comes out at night

What is a "bat"?


Bats are fascinating mammals known for their ability to fly and their unique adaptations for nocturnal life. They are found all over the world, with over 1,400 known species, making them one of the most diverse groups of mammals. Bats have elongated fingers and thin membranes of skin known as wings that allow them to fly with great agility and precision. They have excellent echolocation abilities, using high-pitched sounds to navigate and locate prey in the dark. Bats have a varied diet, with some species feeding on insects, fruits, nectar, or even blood in the case of vampire bats. They play important roles in ecosystems as pollinators, seed dispersers, and pest controllers. Bats are unique creatures with fascinating adaptations for their nocturnal lifestyle and vital ecological roles, making them a key part of the animal kingdom.



(baseball) a turn trying to get a hit


a small, lightweight racket with a long handle and a small head, designed for playing the game of squash


to quickly open and close one's eyes to attract attention
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