arc, arh
What is an "arch"?
An arch is a curved structure that spans an opening, typically made of stone, brick, or other materials. It is designed to support weight from above while allowing for clear space below. Arches are often used in doorways, windows, and bridges, creating a strong and stable shape that can distribute weight evenly. The curved design not only provides structural strength but also adds an aesthetic element to buildings and structures. Arches have been used in architecture for thousands of years and are an essential feature in various styles, from ancient Roman to modern design.
arc, curbă
arcada piciorului, arc piciorului
What is "arch"?
The arch refers to the curved structure formed by the bones and soft tissues in certain areas, such as the foot or hand. It provides support, shock absorption, and distribution of weight during movement. The most notable arch in the body is the arch of the foot, which consists of the longitudinal arch running along the length of the foot and the transverse arch running across the width. These arches help with balance, stability, and efficient walking or running. Understanding the anatomy and function of arches is important for maintaining proper foot mechanics and preventing foot-related issues.
arc, arcadă
arcui, îndoi
arogant, paternalist
zeflemitor, neastâmpărat
arh-, archi-