margine, bor
the extended edge or projecting part of a hat that extends outward from the base
What is a "brim"?
A brim is a projecting edge, rim, or margin on a hat, cap, or helmet that shades the eyes and provides protection from the sun or rain. It is usually made of the same material as the crown and can be either flat or curved. The brim's width can vary from narrow to wide, and the shape can be altered to fit the style of the hat. Brims can also be decorated with various materials such as leather, fabric, or ribbon, and can be adorned with feathers, flowers, or other accessories.
She tilted her head to shield her eyes from the sun using the brim of her hat.
Ea și-a înclinat capul pentru a-și proteja ochii de soare, folosind borul pălăriei ei.
The wide brim on his hat was perfect for keeping the rain off his face.
Marginea largă a pălăriei lui era perfectă pentru a-l feri de ploaie pe față.
margine, bază
the top edge of a vessel or other container
to brim
a umple, a margin
to fill something, such as a container or space, to the very top or edge
Transitive: to brim a container or space with a liquid
She brims the coffee cup with cream every morning.
The chef is brimming the pot with simmering soup.
a se umple, a fi plin
to be filled to the extent that the contents exceed the capacity of a container
Intransitive: to brim with sth
The river brimmed with water after days of heavy rain, threatening to flood the surrounding areas.
Her eyes brimmed with tears as she listened to the heartfelt speech at her graduation ceremony.

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