a se așeza în picioare, a sta deasupra
a se întinde peste, a traversa
a adopta o poziție ambigua, a menține o poziție echivocă
amplasare pe],
straddle, opțiune straddle
straddle, poziție cu picioarele desfăcute
What is a "straddle"?
A straddle is a gymnastics position where the legs are spread wide apart while keeping them straight, forming a V shape. The upper body can remain upright, lean forward, or be lifted off the ground in skills like jumps, holds, and transitions. Straddles are commonly used in leaps, handstands, and swings on various apparatuses. This position requires flexibility in the hips and legs, as well as control to maintain proper form. Gymnasts train to improve their straddle to achieve greater extension and precision in their movements.
ambiguitate, poziție echivocă