to set in
[phrase form: set]
instalar-se, estabelecer-se
to occur, often referring to something unwelcome
Despair seems to have set in among the team.
When the cold weather set in, we started using the fireplace.
The financial crisis set in when the company started facing severe losses.
instalar, designar
to organize the responsibilities and functions associated with a religious minister or their office
Transitive: to set in a religious minister
They set the new priest in to oversee the parish's affairs.
The church committee set the deacon in to manage community outreach programs.
Let's set the pastor in to lead the upcoming church service.
entrar em, ir em direção a
(of wind or water) to change the direction or flow, typically moving closer to the shore
As the tide rose, it set in with a gentle current that carried us back to the beach.
The river 's current began to set in, making it easier for the canoers to paddle upstream.
The wind 's direction suddenly set in, making it more challenging for the surfers to catch waves.

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