to account for
[phrase form: account]
explicar, justificar
to provide explanations or reasons for a particular situation or set of circumstances
Transitive: to account for a situation
In the report, the analyst will account for the recent decline in sales.
Can you account for the discrepancies in your expense report?
The witness was asked to account for what they saw at the scene of the accident.
justificar, explicar
to serve as the reason for a particular occurrence or outcome
Transitive: to account for an occurrence or outcome
A sudden increase in demand for electric cars can account for the rising prices of lithium.
The stormy weather can account for the delay in our flight.
Lack of proper communication may account for the team's mismanagement of the project.
representar, constituir
to represent a specific amount or portion of a whole
Transitive: to account for a portion of a whole
In our team, experienced professionals account for the majority of the workforce.
Women account for about 52 % of the total student population in the university.
The elderly population accounts for a growing percentage of healthcare expenditures.

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