to warn
ostrzegać, powiadamiać
to tell someone in advance about a possible danger, problem, or unfavorable situation
Transitive: to warn sb of a danger or problem | to warn sb about a danger or problem
The weather forecast warned residents of an approaching storm.
The software system warned users about potential security risks.
The detective warned the witness about the possible threats to their safety.
ostrzeżać, upominać
advise or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
Ditransitive: to warn sb to do sth | to warn sb against sth
Transitive: to warn against sth
The teacher warned the students not to plagiarize their assignments.
The parent warned their child to avoid talking to strangers and emphasized the importance of personal safety.
The nutritionist warned against crash diets, explaining that they could lead to nutrient deficiencies.
ostrzeć, powiadomić
to inform or alert someone about something before it happens
Ditransitive: to warn sb that
The teacher warned the students that there would be a quiz the following day.
The parent warned their child that the family would be moving to a new city next month.
The parent warned their child that they would be visited by the tooth fairy after losing a tooth.