heer, gentleman
a man who consistently exhibits polite behavior, good manners, and respectful conduct towards others
He is a true gentleman, always holding the door open for others.
At the event, he acted like a gentleman, showing respect and kindness to everyone he met.
She appreciated his gentlemanly behavior, especially when he offered his seat to her on the crowded bus.
heer, gentleman
a formal or polite word for referring to a man
The gentleman at the front desk will assist you with your inquiries.
May I introduce you to this gentleman who has just joined our team?
The gentleman in the blue suit is the guest speaker for today's event.
gentleman, dienaar
a male servant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer, performing duties such as valet services and general assistance
The gentleman assisted his employer in dressing and grooming each morning.
As a gentleman, he took pride in maintaining his employer's wardrobe and personal belongings.
The wealthy businessman relied on his gentleman for travel arrangements and daily schedules.