What is a "chicken"?
A chicken, a domesticated bird of the Gallus gallus species, is widely recognized for its culinary and agricultural significance. Raised for its meat, eggs, and feathers, chickens are one of the most commonly consumed poultry species worldwide. They are characterized by their compact bodies, covered in feathers of various colors and patterns, and their distinct beaks and wattles. Chickens are primarily ground-dwelling birds, but they are also capable of limited flight. They exhibit a social hierarchy within their flocks and communicate through a range of vocalizations, including clucking and crowing. Known for their ability to adapt to diverse environments, chickens are highly valued for their productivity and nutritional benefits.
kip, kipvlees
lafaard, bangerd
roekeloos spel, gevaarlijke competitie
moedspel, uitdaging van dapperheid
bang, schuchterig