What is a "wasp"?
A wasp is an insect characterized by its slender body, narrow waist, and two pairs of wings. They are known for their stinging ability and can vary in size, shape, and color depending on the species. Wasps are social insects and often build nests, where they live and raise their offspring. While some species are beneficial as they prey on other insects, others can be pests and pose a threat to humans due to their stings.
WASP (een witte persoon van anglo-saksische afkomst die tot een protestantse denominatie behoort), Anglo-Saksische protestant
a white person of Anglo-Saxon ancestry who belongs to a Protestant denomination
The wasp's nest hung like a papery lantern from the eaves of the house, a testament to the insect's industrious nature.
With a swift strike, the wasp immobilized its prey with a paralyzing sting before dragging it back to its nest.
Despite their reputation as aggressive insects, wasps play a vital role in controlling populations of other pests.
The wasp buzzed angrily as it defended its nest from intruders, its striped abdomen a warning to stay away.
The wasp's buzzing drone filled the air as it hovered near a patch of fallen fruit, searching for sweet nectar to feed on.