to augur
예언하다, 징후로 미루어 알다
to predict future events based on omens or signs
Transitive: to augur future events
The ancient tribe used the flight patterns of birds to augur the outcomes of their battles.
Some ancient civilizations believed that lunar eclipses augured significant shifts in political power or societal changes.
The howling of wolves was considered by some cultures to augur approaching danger.
예고하다, 전조가 되다
to signal or suggest whether something is likely to have a good or bad result
Intransitive: to augur in a specific manner
His lack of preparation augured poorly for his chances of success in the interview.
The steady growth in sales augurs well for the company ’s future.
A warm reception from the audience augured well for the speaker ’s presentation.
점석자, 예언자
(ancient Rome) a religious official who interpreted omens to guide public policy