盲目の (もうもくの), 視覚障害の (しかくしょうがいの)
盲目的な (もうもくてきな), 無知な (むちなし)
盲目的な(もうもくてきな), 非合理的な(ひごうりてきな)
What is a "blind"?
A blind is a type of window covering that is designed to cover and control the amount of light that enters a room through a window. Blinds consist of horizontal or vertical slats that can be adjusted to allow more or less light to enter a room, and they can be made from various materials such as wood, plastic, or metal. Blinds can be operated manually with a cord or wand, or they can be motorized for easy remote control. They provide privacy by preventing people from seeing into a room when they are closed and are a popular and versatile window treatment option that can complement any decor style or window size.
視覚障害者, 盲人
ブラインド, 隠れ家
隠れ蓑(かくれみの), 偽装(ぎそう)
盲目にする, 失明させる
盲目にさせる, 目を塞ぐ
目をくらませる, 盲目にする