Booster seat
seggiolino per auto, sistema di rialzo
a seat used in a car to help small children sit higher and use the seatbelt properly
What is a "booster seat"?
A booster seat is a type of child seat used in vehicles to raise a child up so that the car’s seat belt fits properly. It is designed for children who have outgrown a car seat but are still too small to safely use an adult seat belt. The booster seat helps position the seat belt across the child’s chest and lap, reducing the risk of injury in the event of an accident. It is often used until the child is tall enough to use the seat belt without additional assistance, typically around the age of 8 to 12 years.
When Ben turned four, his parents bought him a new booster seat for the car.
The law says children must use a booster seat until they are tall enough to use the regular seatbelt.
Lisa likes her booster seat because she can see out of the car windows better now.