Hand clapping game

Hand clapping game
gioco di mani, gioco di applausi
a game that involves rhythmic hand movements and clapping, often accompanied by a song or rhyme, and typically played by two or more players taking turns to perform specific hand gestures and claps in sync with the rhythm
What is a "hand clapping game"?
A hand clapping game is a simple activity where two players clap their hands in a specific pattern, often to a rhythm or chant. Players sit facing each other and take turns clapping hands together or with each other, following a sequence of movements that may include clapping their own hands, then each other’s, or tapping on the table. The goal is to maintain the rhythm and not make mistakes. Hand clapping games are often played by children in groups and are popular for their fun, energetic nature and ability to develop coordination and timing.
We played a hand clapping game during recess and laughed the whole time.
She taught me a new hand clapping game that her friends used to play.
They were having so much fun with the hand clapping game that they did n’t even notice the time passing.

Parole Vicine