What is a "symptom"?
A symptom is a physical or mental feature that indicates the presence of a disease or health condition. Symptoms can vary widely depending on the specific condition but often include things like pain, fatigue, fever, coughing, and changes in mood or behavior. They serve as signals that something may be wrong in the body and can help healthcare providers diagnose and treat illnesses. Identifying and understanding symptoms is essential for effectively managing health and receiving appropriate medical care when needed.
A persistent cough can be a symptom of a respiratory infection.
The patient reported a fever as one of the first symptoms of the flu.
Muscle aches and fatigue are common symptoms of many viral infections.
sintomo, indicatore
anything that occurs alongside a particular condition or phenomenon, serving as an indication of its presence or existence
The rapid increase in temperature was a symptom of the approaching storm.
Economic instability is often a symptom of underlying political issues.
Excessive fatigue can be a symptom of overwork or stress.

Parole Vicine