all the layers of tissue that make up the wall of a fruit
What is "pericarp"?
The pericarp is the collective term for all the layers of tissue that make up the wall of a fruit. It consists of three main layers: the exocarp, which is the outermost layer or peel; the mesocarp, which is the middle layer and often the fleshy or juicy part of the fruit; and the endocarp, which is the innermost layer surrounding the seeds. The pericarp varies in thickness, texture, and composition depending on the type of fruit and its function in protecting and dispersing the seeds. It plays a crucial role in fruit development, structure, and function, influencing factors such as taste, texture, and shelf life.
As the peach ripened, its pericarp softened and its sweet aroma filled the room.
The squirrel nibbled on the pericarp of the hazelnut, trying to access the tasty kernel hidden inside.