British pronunciation/ˈbɪtə/
American pronunciation/ˈbɪtər/

Definisi & Makna dari "bitter


pahit, getir

having a strong taste that is unpleasant and not sweet
bitter definition and meaning
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The bitter taste of black coffee lingered on her tongue after she took a sip.
Rasa pahit kopi hitam tersisa di lidahnya setelah dia meneguknya.
He made a face at the bitter medicine, finding it difficult to swallow.
Dia membuat ekspresi tidak senang pada obat yang pahit, merasa sulit untuk menelannya.

pahit, kecewa

(of a person) refusing or unable to let go of anger or hatred toward others or past events
bitter definition and meaning
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After losing the promotion, he became bitter and withdrew from social interactions.
Setelah kehilangan promosi, dia menjadi kecewa dan menarik diri dari interaksi sosial.
Despite her talents, she remained bitter about the missed opportunities in her career.
Meskipun bakatnya, dia tetap pahit tentang kesempatan yang terlewat dalam kariernya.

pahit, masam

harshly reproachful or resentful
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The employee 's bitter complaints about the working conditions were hard to ignore.
Keluhan pahit karyawan tentang kondisi kerja sulit untuk diabaikan.
After the meeting, she made a bitter remark about the lack of support from her colleagues.
Setelah pertemuan, dia memberikan komentar yang pahit tentang kurangnya dukungan dari rekan-rekannya.

pahit, getir

extremely hard to endure or accept, often causing deep emotional pain or resentment
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Losing the championship by one point was a bitter experience for the team.
Kehilangan kejuaraan dengan selisih satu poin adalah pengalaman yang pahit bagi tim.
The betrayal by her closest friend left her with a bitter feeling that was hard to shake off.
Pengkhianatan oleh teman terdekatnya meninggalkan perasaan getir yang sulit dihilangkan.

menusuk, dalam

extremely cold, causing a sharp, painful sensation
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The bitter wind cut through his coat, making him shiver.
Angin menusuk dingin menerobos jaketnya, membuatnya menggigil.
Even with gloves and a coat, the bitter wind cut through his layers.
Bahkan dengan sarung tangan dan jas, angin menusuk-dalam itu menerobos lapisannya.

kepahitan, rasa pahit

the quality or characteristic of having a sharp, unpleasant taste that can be harsh or acrid
bitter definition and meaning
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The chef noted the bitter of the herbs, which contrasted with the sweetness of the carrots.
Koki mencatat kepahitan dari rempah-rempah, yang bertolak belakang dengan rasa manis dari wortel.
The wine had a noticeable bitter that some people found off-putting.
Anggur itu memiliki kepahitan yang terlihat jelas sehingga membuat beberapa orang merasa tidak nyaman.

bir pahit, bir jenis bitter

a type of beer with a prominent hoppy flavor and noticeable bitterness
bitter definition and meaning

What is "bitter"?

Bitter is a style of ale that originated in England and is characterized by its hoppy flavor and relatively high bitterness. Bitters are brewed using a mix of malted barley and hops, and are typically fermented at warmer temperatures than lagers, which allows the yeast to produce more complex flavors and aromas. The bitterness in bitters comes from the hops, which are added during the brewing process and impart a slightly bitter, herbal flavor to the beer. Bitters can vary in strength and color, with some being quite light and refreshing, while others are darker and more full-bodied. In the UK, bitters are often served at room temperature from a cask or hand pump, which gives the beer a slightly different flavor and texture than when served chilled from a bottle or can.

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The local brewery is famous for its signature bitter, which features a robust hoppy flavor.
Brewery lokal terkenal dengan bir pahit andalannya, yang memiliki rasa hop yang kuat.
I ordered a bitter on tap, hoping for that classic, crisp taste.
Saya memesan bir pahit dari keran, berharap mendapatkan rasa klasik yang renyah.

pahit, amaro

a strong, flavored alcoholic mix used in cocktails or as a tonic
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A dash of Angostura bitters can add depth to a classic cocktail like the Old Fashioned.
Sedikit Angostura amaro dapat menambah kedalaman pada koktail klasik seperti Old Fashioned.
The bartender recommended adding a few drops of aromatic bitters to enhance the flavor of the Manhattan.
Bartender merekomendasikan menambahkan beberapa tetes amaro aromatik untuk meningkatkan rasa Manhattan.
to bitter

menghanguskan, menyengat

to cause something to have a harsh or unpleasant flavor
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The burnt toast bittered the entire breakfast.
Roti bakar yang menghanguskan seluruh sarapan.
Overcooking can bitter the taste of vegetables.
Memasak terlalu lama dapat menghanguskan rasa sayuran.
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