I looked up at the night sky and saw a shooting star.
The brightest star in the night sky is Sirius, also known as the Dog Star.
The sky was so clear that I could see countless stars.
bintang, bintang langit
any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
She drew a cute little star on the top corner of her paper.
The art teacher showed the students how to draw a star.
The children cut out stars from colored paper for the craft project.
bintang, topologi bintang
the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub
bintang, asterisk
a star-shaped character * used in printing
bintang, seorang ahli
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
bintang, artis utama
the chief actor or performer in a motion picture, play, TV or radio program, etc.
She became a star after her role in the hit movie.
The star of the play received a standing ovation.
He was the star of a popular TV series.
bintang, bintang terkenal
a famous and popular performer, artist, etc.
The actor became a star after his breakout role in the movie.
She is a star in the world of fashion, known for her innovative designs.
The athlete is a star on the basketball court, admired by fans worldwide.
to star
berperan, bintang
to act as a main character in a play, movie, etc.
Intransitive: to star in a movie or show
He starred in a critically acclaimed play at the local theater.
After years of hard work, she finally gets to star in a major motion picture.
The child actress stars in a popular TV show aimed at young audiences.
menandai, bintang
to highlight or draw attention to something by marking it with an asterisk
Transitive: to star sth
The teacher asked us to star the important points in the text.
She starred the items on her shopping list that she needed most.
The editor starred the paragraphs that needed more revision.
dibintangi, memerankan
to feature someone as the main actor or performer in a movie, play, or show
Transitive: to star an actor or actress
The film stars a famous actor known for his action roles.
The movie stars a young actress in her first leading role.
The show stars a talented cast, with a famous comedian in the lead.
bintang, utama
indicating the most important performer or role

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