to ram
menabrak, menghantam
to crash violently into an obstacle
Intransitive: to ram into an obstacle or surface
The car lost control on the icy road and rammed into the guardrail.
The ship 's bow rammed into the rocky shoreline during the storm, causing significant damage.
The rogue asteroid rammed into the planet's surface, leaving a massive crater upon impact.
memaksakan, menyetujui dengan paksaan
to forcefully push for something to be accepted or approved, often using strong actions to overcome resistance
Transitive: to ram a decision or plan
The government attempted to ram the controversial bill despite widespread opposition.
The company tried to ram the new policy changes without consulting its employees first.
The mayor 's plan to ram the construction project faced backlash from environmental activists.
menabrak, menyeruduk
to strike an object, often with the purpose of causing damage or disruption to its function
Transitive: to ram sth
The pirate ship rammed the enemy vessel, aiming to sink it and plunder its cargo.
The rebel forces decided to ram the barricade, hoping to break through the enemy lines.
The warship rammed the enemy fleet flagship, engaging in close combat and naval warfare.
domba jantan, domba pejantan
a male adult sheep capable of breeding
palu, palu godam
a tool for driving or forcing something by impact
Aries, Domba
the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19
Aries , domba
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries

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