The parents set a curfew for their teenagers, expecting them to be home by midnight on weekends.
During the state of emergency, the mayor announced a curfew to prevent looting and ensure order.
The government imposed a strict curfew, requiring everyone to be indoors by 9 PM to maintain public safety.
rendkívüli rendeltetés, körmenet jelzés
a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions
kijárási tilalom ideje, kijárási tilalom jele
the time that the curfew signal is sounded
The parents set a curfew for their teenagers, expecting them to be home by midnight on weekends.
During the state of emergency, the mayor announced a curfew to prevent looting and ensure order.
The government imposed a strict curfew, requiring everyone to be indoors by 9 PM to maintain public safety.
The soldiers patrolled the city to enforce the curfew, checking IDs and ensuring no one was out after hours.
As the clock struck ten, the streets emptied quickly, with everyone rushing home to avoid breaking curfew.