kanál, evőkanál
an object that has a handle with a shallow bowl at one end that is used for eating, serving, or stirring food
What is a "spoon"?
A spoon is a utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl attached to a handle, typically used for stirring, serving, or consuming liquid or semi-liquid foods. Spoons come in various shapes and sizes, depending on their intended use. Spoons can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, wood, or ceramic, and they often feature decorative or ergonomic designs for aesthetic appeal and comfortable use.
He used a measuring spoon to add spices to the recipe.
I need to find a soup spoon for the dinner party.
She scooped ice cream into a bowl using a spoon.
kanálnyi, kanálnyi
as much as a spoon will hold
kanál, fakanál
formerly a golfing wood with an elevated face
to spoon
kanállal tálal, kanallal adagol
to transfer or serve food using a spoon, typically involving scooping or lifting with kitchen tools
He will spoon the soup into the bowl for lunch tomorrow.
They have spooned mashed potatoes onto their plates already.
We had spooned out servings of ice cream for dessert before the party started.
kanálba fekszik, kanál pozícióba helyezkedik
snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others

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