szám, mennyiség
szám, telefonszám
szám, előadás
szám, kiadás
egy ruha, egy divatos darab
szám, számozás
csoport, szám
szám, ruha
What is "number"?
Number is a grammatical category that indicates the quantity of a noun, pronoun, or verb in a sentence. It typically reflects whether something is singular, meaning one, or plural, meaning more than one. For example, in the sentence "The cat is sleeping," the noun "cat" is singular, indicating one animal. In contrast, in the sentence "The cats are sleeping," the noun "cats" is plural, indicating multiple animals. Number also affects verb forms and agreement in many languages, requiring that the verb matches the subject in terms of singularity or plurality. Understanding number is essential for proper sentence structure and clarity in communication.
szám, számjegy
számozni, számot adni
felsorol, számlál
elérni, összeadni
korlátozni, szabályozni
számba venni, számoz