बत्तख़ का चूज़ा, बत्तख़ के चूजे
a newly-hatched duck
बच्चा बतख
meat of a young duck, eaten as food
What is "duckling"?
Duckling meat refers to the tender and flavorful flesh of a young duck, typically harvested between 6 to 8 weeks old. With its relatively high fat content compared to other poultry, duckling meat gives a unique depth of flavor and juicy tenderness. Commonly prepared through methods such as roasting, braising, or grilling, duckling is celebrated in various cuisines worldwide, from classic French dishes like Duck à l'Orange to aromatic Asian specialties like Peking duck.
I prepared a comforting bowl of duckling soup for you.
They decided to try their hand at cooking a whole roasted duckling together.

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