lait caillé, lait fermenté
a thickened and curdled milk resulting from natural fermentation
What is "clabber"?
Clabber is a dairy product that forms when raw milk or cream is left at room temperature for an extended period. It undergoes a natural fermentation process, causing the milk to thicken and curdle. The acidic environment created by beneficial bacteria in the milk promotes the coagulation of proteins, resulting in the formation of clabber. It has a tangy flavor and a thick, creamy consistency, similar to yogurt or sour cream. Clabber can be used in various culinary applications, such as making cheese, baking, or adding a unique twist to recipes that call for fermented dairy products.
Grandma 's clabber pancakes are a family favorite for Sunday brunch.
I left a jar of milk on the counter overnight, and it turned into clabber.
to clabber
cailler, lait caillé
turn into curds

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