to overrule
bawiin, baligtarin
to use one's official or political authority to change or reject a previously made decision
Transitive: to overrule a decision
The referee may overrule a call made by an umpire if there is evidence of an error.
The speaker of the parliament has the power to overrule certain motions during a session.
The CEO had the authority to overrule the manager 's decision and implement a different strategy.
The referee may overrule a call made by an umpire if there is evidence of an error.
The speaker of the parliament has the power to overrule certain motions during a session.
The CEO had the authority to overrule the manager's decision and implement a different strategy.
The appellate court decided to overrule the lower court's decision and grant a new trial.
In constitutional law, a higher court can overrule legislation if it is deemed unconstitutional.

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