to cough
After two weeks, the cough finally disappeared.
بعد از دو هفته، سرفه بالاخره ناپدید شد.
He got some cough drops from the store.
او چند قرص سرفه از فروشگاه گرفت.
گرفتگی گلو و سینه
a condition or disease that makes one cough frequently
What is a "cough"?
A cough is a condition characterized by frequent coughing, which is the body's way of clearing the airways of irritants, mucus, or foreign particles. It can be caused by various factors, including infections like the common cold or flu, allergies, asthma, or chronic conditions such as bronchitis. A persistent cough can be bothersome and may require medical attention to identify and treat the underlying cause. Treatment can include medications, rest, and increased fluid intake to help ease the symptoms.
Drinking warm tea helped to soothe her cough.
She took medication to relieve her chronic cough.

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