to block off
[phrase form: block]
bloquear, cerrar al paso
to prevent entry or access by placing a barrier
The construction crew blocked the road off for repairs.
Please block off the entrance with caution tape.
The organizers had to block off the backstage area.
bloquear, cerrar
to become closed or restricted
The floodwaters quickly blocked off the entire neighborhood.
An accident on the highway blocked off traffic for hours.
The collapsed building debris blocked off the main street.
bloquear, cortar la comunicación
to prevent or interrupt communication completely
The manager decided to block the complainer off from further emails.
The school 's IT department blocked off inappropriate websites on the computers.
The phone carrier 's service outage blocked off calls for a brief period.
reservar, bloquear
to reserve a specific time, space, or item for a particular purpose
She decided to block the weekend off for a much-needed getaway.
They needed to block off the conference room for the client presentation.
The manager decided to block off the aisle for restocking shelves.

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