lento de entendimiento, dificultoso
having a limited ability to think or understand quickly
The slow-witted response to the riddle indicated that some of the audience members had difficulty grasping its cleverness.
During the quiz, the slow-witted contestant took longer to answer questions, leading to a lower score compared to others.
In the fast-paced discussion, the slow-witted participant found it challenging to keep up with the rapid exchange of ideas.
The slow-witted response to the riddle indicated that some of the audience members had difficulty grasping its cleverness.
During the quiz, the slow-witted contestant took longer to answer questions, leading to a lower score compared to others.
In the fast-paced discussion, the slow-witted participant found it challenging to keep up with the rapid exchange of ideas.
The job required quick decision-making, but the employee's slow-witted approach often led to delays and inefficiencies.
Despite his best efforts, the student struggled with the complex math problem, appearing slow-witted compared to his classmates.
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