Strange bedfellows

Strange bedfellows
two people or things that form a very good but strange combination with one another
What is the origin of the idiom "strange bedfellows" and when to use it?
The idiom "strange bedfellows" has its origin in the literal idea of individuals sharing a bed who would not typically be expected to do so. This expression is used to signify an unexpected or unconventional pairing or association between two people or things that, despite their differences or contrasting qualities, form an unlikely but effective combination.
The environmentalist and the oil company executive made for strange bedfellows when they joined forces to develop renewable energy solutions.
The conservative politician and the liberal activist became strange bedfellows in their campaign against government corruption.
The marriage between the introverted bookworm and the outgoing partygoer seemed like strange bedfellows, but they complemented each other perfectly.