to wipe out
[phrase form: wipe]
auslöschen, vernichten
to entirely remove something
Transitive: to wipe out sth
They wiped the stain out from the carpet using a cleaning solution.
The chef wiped the burnt smell out of the kitchen with air freshener.
Using a cloth, he wiped the fingerprints out from the glass surface.
auslöschen, vernichten
to cause the death of a significant portion of a population
Transitive: to wipe out a population
The deadly gas could wipe out entire populations if released.
The disease threatened to wipe out the indigenous population.
The war has sadly wiped out families, leaving behind a trail of devastation.
auslöschen, vernichten
to completely remove or destroy something so that it no longer exists
Transitive: to wipe out sth
The rapid industrialization of the region wiped out the natural resources in a matter of years.
Rapid urbanization can wipe out natural habitats for many species.
The invasive species is wiping out native plants in the region.
auslöschen, vergessen
to eliminate something from memory
Transitive: to wipe out a memory
He tried to wipe the embarrassing incident out of his mind.
She attempted to wipe out the traumatic memory from her thoughts.
No matter how hard he tried, he could n't wipe the memory of that day out.
erschöpfen, müde machen
to make an individual very tired
Transitive: to wipe out sb
The long hike wiped me out; I need a break.
The intense workout wiped me out, and I needed a long nap afterward.
A long day of travel can wipe you out, especially with multiple connecting flights.
die Kontrolle verlieren, unfall haben
(of a vehicle) to lose control, resulting in an accident or crash
Trying to avoid a collision, the driver swerved suddenly and wiped out on the icy street.
The motorcyclist misjudged a turn and wiped out on the gravel road.
The cyclist hit a pothole and wiped out on the road.
abstürzen, stürzen
to lose balance and be thrown off the surfboard due to the impact of a wave
Wiping out is inevitable in the world of surfing, even for the most experienced riders.
The surf instructor emphasized the importance of learning how to fall without wiping out completely.
She wiped out during the competition but managed to paddle back out for another attempt.

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