to burden
zatížit, břemeno
to place a heavy load or weight on something or someone
Transitive: to burden sth with a load
The workers had to burden the truck with crates of goods for delivery to the distribution center.
As the ship docked, the crew began to burden the cargo hold with containers filled with various products.
Farmers often have to burden their trucks with harvested crops to transport them to market.
zatížit, oprudit
to give someone a responsibility or task that demands a great deal of effort or causes a lot of stress
Transitive: to burden sb with a task
The manager decided to burden the experienced team member with the challenging project.
Parents sometimes unintentionally burden their children with high expectations.
The professor chose not to burden the students with additional assignments during the exam week.
zátěž, břemeno
a responsibility or task that causes hardship, stress, etc.
The financial burden of student loans weighed heavily on her after graduation.
Taking care of an elderly parent can be a significant emotional and financial burden.
The responsibility of managing a large team became too much of a burden for him.
břemeno, zátěž
weight to be borne or conveyed
námět, myšlenka
the central idea that is expanded in a document or discourse
téma, námět
the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work