Open sesame
otevřené sezamové, snadné dosažení
something that makes achieving a certain thing very easy
otevři sezam, magické zaklínadlo
a magical command; used by Ali Baba
open sesame
otevři se sezame, sezamo
used as a magical command to open doors or gain entrance to hidden places
What is the origin of ' open sesame'?
The origin of "open sesame" dates back to the story of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," where the phrase is used to open the entrance to a secret cave filled with treasures. In the story, Ali Baba learns the command from the leader of the thieves and uses it to access the cave's riches. Today, "open sesame" is used figuratively or humorously to refer to any situation where access is granted or something is revealed, often with a sense of magic or surprise.
He waved his hand over the lock and said ' open sesame,' and the door swung open.
The magician uttered ' open sesame,' and the curtain rose to reveal a spectacular stage.
The children chanted ' open sesame' as they approached the hidden entrance to the playground.

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