živobytí, příjmy
the resources or activities upon which an individual or household depends for their sustenance and survival
Farming is the primary livelihood for many rural communities, providing food and income.
Small businesses such as shops and restaurants are vital for urban dwellers ' livelihoods, offering employment opportunities and goods and services.
Fishing serves as the main livelihood for coastal villages, supporting local economies.
Farming is the primary livelihood for many rural communities, providing food and income.
Small businesses such as shops and restaurants are vital for urban dwellers' livelihoods, offering employment opportunities and goods and services.
Fishing serves as the main livelihood for coastal villages, supporting local economies.
Artisans rely on their craft as their livelihood, creating handmade products to sell at markets or online.
Freelancing has become a popular livelihood option, allowing individuals to work remotely and pursue their passions while earning income.