অনুসন্ধান করুন
to get round
[phrase form: get]
সমস্যার সমাধান খোঁজা, বাধা অতিক্রম করা
to find a way to deal with or overcome a problem or obstacle
We need to get round the issue of limited funding to complete the project.
They found a creative way to get round the traffic and arrive on time.
The team had to get round the technical glitch to launch the new app.
আমন্ত্রণ জানানো, মন জয় করা
to persuade a person to agree or do something one wants, often through friendliness, charm, or doing kind things for them
She managed to get round her parents to let her attend the concert.
He used his charisma to get round the strict teacher for an extension on the assignment.
The team decided to get round the boss by bringing in cupcakes on Friday.
গুজব ছড়ানো, তথ্য প্রচার করা
to spread or circulate information, especially through informal or unofficial channels, often by word of mouth
News of the upcoming event quickly got round the neighborhood.
Gossip tends to get round faster than accurate information.
It 's amazing how rumors can get round and cause unnecessary panic.

নিকটবর্তী শব্দ