a meal with fine food or a large meal for many people celebrating a special event
What is a "feast"?
A feast is a large and elaborate meal, typically prepared for a special occasion, celebration, or festival. Feasts are often characterized by an abundance of food and drink, served in a setting where guests gather together to enjoy a lavish spread. These meals can include a wide variety of dishes, ranging from appetizers and main courses to side dishes and desserts, often showcasing the culinary traditions and specialties of the host or the culture. Feasts are not only about the food but also about the atmosphere of celebration and friendship, with music, decorations, and festivities adding to the overall experience.
an elaborate party (often outdoors)
something experienced with great delight
a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed
to eat and drink abundantly, often as part of a celebration or special occasion
to serve someone a large, delicious meal with an abundance of food
to give great pleasure or satisfaction to someone