Radio spot
a brief audio advertisement that promotes a product, service, or brand on radio stations
What is a "radio spot"?
A radio spot is a brief radio advertisement, typically lasting between 15 to 60 seconds, designed to promote a product, service, or brand. It is aired during commercial breaks on radio stations and may include a combination of spoken words, sound effects, and music to capture the listener's attention. Radio spots are intended to deliver a concise, persuasive message to a target audience and encourage actions like making a purchase, visiting a website, or attending an event. They are an effective way to reach listeners while they are engaged in activities like driving, working, or relaxing.
The company aired a radio spot about their new product during the morning drive-time show.
The local radio station played a short radio spot announcing a charity event this weekend.
The radio spot was so effective that their sales increased by 20 % within a week.