Bag of bones (and feathers)

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British pronunciation/bˈaɡ ɒv bˈəʊnz and fˈɛðəz/
American pronunciation/bˈæɡ ʌv bˈoʊnz ænd fˈɛðɚz/
bag of bones (and feathers)

a person who is very thin, often in an unhealthy way

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bag of bones (and feathers|) definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "bag of bones" and when to use it?

The exact origin of the idiom is unclear, but it likely developed as a vivid and straightforward way to depict extreme thinness. It is used metaphorically to describe someone who is excessively thin or lacking body mass. It highlights the person's skeletal appearance and suggests a lack of flesh or muscle. This phrase is typically used in informal conversations or when discussing someone's physical appearance in a descriptive manner.

Samantha looked like a bag of bones and feathers after weeks of battling the flu.
John is becoming a bag of bones due to his strict diet and rigorous workout routine.
Jake's dog, Max, was a bag of bones before we adopted him and gave him a loving home.
Samantha looked like a bag of bones and feathers after weeks of battling the flu.
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Definition & Meaning of "Bag of bones (and feathers|)"
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