to lift the lid on something
to cause the truth become revealed, especially an unpleasant one
What is the origin of the idiom "lift the lid on something" and when to use it?
The idiom "lift the lid on something" has its origin in the literal action of lifting the lid or cover of a container to reveal its contents. Metaphorically, the phrase signifies the act of uncovering or exposing hidden or secret information or revealing the truth about a particular situation or subject. It suggests a sense of unveiling or disclosing previously unknown or concealed details, allowing for a deeper understanding or awareness of the matter at hand.
The investigative journalist's report lifted the lid on the corruption scandal, revealing the extent of the bribery and fraud.
The whistleblower's testimony provided crucial evidence, lifting the lid on the company's unethical practices.
The documentary film aims to lift the lid on the environmental impact of the fashion industry, highlighting its harmful practices.

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