In therapy, therapists may use various stimuli, such as images or prompts, to evoke emotional responses and facilitate discussion.
Positive reinforcement can be a powerful stimulus for shaping desired behaviors in both children and animals.
In a lab experiment, the researchers applied a visual stimulus to study participants to observe and measure their neurological responses.
actions such as cutting taxes that boost the economy, particularly during tough times
The government introduced an economic stimulus package to boost the economy by providing financial support to businesses and individuals during the recession.
In therapy, therapists may use various stimuli, such as images or prompts, to evoke emotional responses and facilitate discussion.
Positive reinforcement can be a powerful stimulus for shaping desired behaviors in both children and animals.
In a lab experiment, the researchers applied a visual stimulus to study participants to observe and measure their neurological responses.
Teachers often use interactive and engaging stimuli, like educational games or hands-on activities, to stimulate interest and enhance the learning experience in the classroom.
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