Tìm kiếm
Graham flour
bột lúa mì nguyên cám, bột graham
a coarse whole wheat flour made from the endosperm of the wheat kernel
What is "graham flour"?
Graham flour is a type of whole wheat flour made from the endosperm, germ, and bran of the wheat kernel. It is coarsely ground, giving it a slightly gritty texture compared to traditional all-purpose flour. Graham flour is named after Sylvester Graham, a 19th-century American nutrition advocate who promoted whole grains as part of a healthy diet. It is commonly used in baking to make graham crackers, pie crusts, and other baked goods. Graham flour is prized for its nutty flavor and high fiber content, making it a nutritious alternative to refined flours. It adds a hearty texture and rich flavor to baked goods, making them more satisfying and nutritious.
As a vegan alternative, they used graham flour to create a plant-based pie crust.
Như một lựa chọn thuần chay, họ đã sử dụng bột graham để tạo ra một lớp vỏ bánh từ thực vật.
He baked a loaf of bread using graham flour, giving it a rich and nutty flavor.
Anh ấy đã nướng một ổ bánh mì bằng bột lúa mì nguyên cám, mang lại hương vị phong phú và bùi bùi.